In this exercise we are appoaching scale tones from above and below, using a scale tone from above and a chromatic note a half step below. In the example below, we are in the key of E Major. You can use this over a tonic E chord, or a B7 chord and any number of chords built in the key of E.
It’s important to learn these types of scale exercises in every key and to develop a frame of reference as to where to find it on the neck. My frame of reference is that the 7th and 3rd degrees of the scale are surrounded by half steps. All other scale degrees are surrounded by a whole step above and half step below.
By the way, this exercise can be played on any two adjacent strings a minor 3rd apart, in any tuning. Get to work!
Note: the first actual note of the scale here is the D#, which is being preceded by the scale tone above, E.
This is a very common pattern utilized by countless improvisers, very notably Django Reinhardt.